The Denver Roundup Saks Galleries Cherry Creek presents the Western Exhibition Historical American Western and Contemporary Artists January 9 – 26, 2015
William Acheff, Charles Partridge Adams (1858-1942), Edward Aldrich, Harrison Begay, Navajo (1917-2012), William Berra, Gordon Brown, Sophy Brown, Charles Ragland Bunnell (1897-1968), Lyman Byxbe (1886-1980), G. Russell Case, Gerald Cassidy (1869-1934), Edward Sheriff Curtis (1868-1952), Charles Damrow (1887-1985), Gerard Curtis Delano (1890-1972), C. Michael Dudash, Nicholas Eggenhofer (1897-1985), Barry Eisenach, Daniel Glanz, Michael Godfrey, Walt Gonske, Ernest Martin Hennings (1886 - 1956), T.D. Kelsey, Gene Kloss (1903-1996), )W.H.D. Koerner (1878-1938), Kim Mackey, Jay Moore, Kyle Paliotto, Tonita Vigil Pena, San Ildefonso-Cochiti (1893-1949), Stacey Peterson, Bert Phillips Photography Studio (circa 1910), Frederic Remington (1861-1909), Morris Conrad Rippel (1930-2009), Birger Sandzen (1871-1954), Wayne Salge, Sallie K. Smith, Jill Soukup, Clive R. Tyler, Seth Winegar, Dinah Worman, Jie Wei Zhou and more.